Have you ever wondered what really needs to go into skincare and why? When looking for a Clean Cosmeceutical™️, you should focus on making sure it first contains a strong foundation starting with all the building blocks of life, just like you would if you were trying to regenerate internal cellular health.
There are 5 Laws to Cellular Health which must be followed. If any of these 5 laws are out of balance, the cells will suffer, as will the largest organ of the body, the skin. These 5 laws have been around since the dawn of man and have not changed one bit since then. There is no magic pill, no drug and no short cuts.
The only way to regenerate the body is to focus on the 5 Laws to Cellular Health.

The only way to regenerate the body is to focus on the 5 Laws to Cellular Health
Did you know that even when the body is dehydrated at just 2%, the following symptoms occur:
- Fatigue & Headaches
- Lack of Vitality (Glow to Skin)
- Weight Gain
- Muscle Ache
- Sleep Disturbance
- Anxiety
- Urinary Tract Infections
- And more!

Electrolyte water can help prevent dehydration. But what is electrolyte water? Electrolyte water in short contains a form of “salt water” just like the cells which are 75% salt water. The kind of salt I am referring to, of course, is not your average table salt.
You need CELL SALTS—like we have been talking about for the last 8 years in our skincare.
Cell Salts are what fuel your cells with ENERGY.
The other thing you need to make your own electrolyte water is a small splash of freshly squeezed lemon juice—organic of course! Lemons contain almost every micronutrient needed for the cells to help super boost them full of nutrients.
That is Cellular Health Vitality 101.

But how do we correlate that to the skin?
Quite simply, you need to be using a skincare which contains cell salts and micronutrients as a base. However—and here is where it gets tricky—you don’t want them infused in water when it comes to skincare. You need a skincare loaded with a hydrating nutrient-rich foundation, not water.
Watch for future blogs to learn what our base is and why water could be one of the biggest hidden toxins in your skincare today! It’s good to stay in the know!
VIDEO: Facial Signs of Missing Cell Salts
VIDEO: Avoid Liquid Plastic in Skincare
Live in good health with beautiful skin!