Cell Salts

Dr. Schuessler, a biochemist, determined that the human body contains twelve essential mineral salts that form the vital building blocks for the cells. These are known as cell salts.
Our cell salts have undergone a unique and extensive purification process that gradually extracts the vital essence to increase potency over a minimum of 20 years.
In other words, if someone started this process today, they would not have the same quality of product for many years to come.
Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler (1821-1898) pioneered the facial diagnosis of cell salt deficiencies. In nineteenth-century Germany, Dr. Kurt Hickethier (1891-1958) and other proponents later verified and expanded on Dr. Schuessler’s research.
David R. Card’s book Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies provides detailed information on the effects of cell salts in the body.
Reference: Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficiencies, By David R. Card. Chapman, J.B. and J.W. Cogswell, Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry, a New Domestic Treatise. St. Louise: Luyties Pharmacal Company.

There are twelve biochemical compounds that make up our blood and tissue. Our blood plasma is essentially made up of 70% salt, protein and water.
The greater the cell salt deficiency, the greater the changes in the face. Cell salt deficiency symptoms may appear as pigmentation, wrinkles, acne and depletion of collagen.

Calc Fluor (calcium fluoride), Calc Phos (calcium phosphate), Calc Sulph (calcium sulfate), Ferrum Phos (ferrum phosphate or iron), Kali Mur (potassium chloride), Kali Phos (phosphate), Kali Sulph (potassium sulfate), Phos (magnesium phosphate), Nat Mur (sodium chloride), Nat Phos (natrum phosphate), Nat Sulph (natrum sulphate), Silicea (silica)
- Sagging skin
- Bags under the eyes
- Dark circles
- Acne
- Wrinkles
- Loss of collagen
- Skin laxity
- Pigmentation
- Dry skin
- Eczema
- Age spots
- Swelling in the face
- Broken capillaries